
Bioenergy 2016

Fiere di Cremona, Italia
Bioenergy 2016

Bioenergy Italy, which is celebrating its sixth edition, is the internationally renowned meeting place for leading companies of the renewable energy sector. The Exhibition takes place in Cremona, in the heart of the Po Valley, the biggest and most important Italian industrial district for the production of renewable energy. Here you can meet the major investors: agricultural and food companies along with local bodies who really believe in this sector. Plan your visit or find out how to exhibit In addition to a highly qualified exhibition area, the strength of Bioenergy Italy is the extensive programme of conferences, seminars and workshops studied to attract to the exhibition a selected audience. To do it, we rely on the collaboration with important realities, among which AITA, ENEA, DGL International, Legambiente, Chimica Verde and Confagricoltura. These are some of the topics that are going to be debated at BioEnergy Italy: Exploitation of waste coming from the food industry Sustainable use of dedicated farming News on regulations and incentives Educational policy and job opportunities Exploitation of chicken manure for energy production Small-size plants Nitrates Directive Best Practices Award in partnership with Legambiente Moreover, you can freely take advantage of our Workshop Area where the exhibitors organize presentations and meetings. BioEnergy Italy figures (2015 edition): 98 brands 9 Countries: Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, France and Portugal 33 congresses, seminars and workshop 4.638 professional visitors A winning partnership BioEnergy Italy is also highly appreciated by professional operators because it is an event based on a project carried out by two of the main international fair protagonists of the field: CremonaFiere – with the experience of the International Dairy Cattle Show, Italpig and Vegetalia AgroEnergie – and DLG Inetrnational, German partner organizer of events as AgriTechnica, EuroTier and Energy Decentral.

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