
IFS Technical Conference 2020 - CANCELLATO

Hotel Casa 400, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
IFS Technical Conference 2020 - CANCELLATO

The conference programme is still being finalised; confirmed papers are shown below: A comparative Life Cycle Assessment of rock based and recycled P fertilisers Fabian Kraus, Berlin Water, Germany New developments in DCP technology Alexandre Wavreille, Prayon, Belgium DCS alarm management Michael Gill, Orica, Australia Advanced Process Control modelling Knut Wiig Mathisen, Yara International, Norway Practical approach on PS and AI management in ageing production sites David Herrero, Fertiberia, Spain Wet electrostatic dust separation in ammonium nitrate plants Alessandro Gullà, AWS, Italy Reducing emissions from AN operations Martyn Dean, Begg Cousland, Scotland Review of latest developments in the measurement of pH in ammonium nitrate reaction loops Gonzalo Fernández Ozalla and Francisca Galindo, Fertiberia, Spain The importance of both occupational and process safety in ammonia plants – lessons from practical experience Harri Duisters, OCI N.V, Netherlands

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